I hear the Lord passing byThis could be my day of visitationHave mercy on me LordHear my cry of desperationI hear the Lord passing by*我听见主走过来今天会是祂造访的日子主啊 我求祢怜悯我听见我迫切的呼求我听见主走过来我灵魂体 深深渴慕祢一生年日 让我能看见祢的荣耀降临我期待的时刻我唯一的机会我愿意放下我一切只要飞奔到祢身边我期待的时刻我唯一的机会我要看见祢 我要触摸祢我要抓紧祢 更多认识祢主我要跟随祢主我要跟随祢盼望都在于祢 渴望都在于祢祢是我的神迹I hear the Lord passing byThis could be my day of visitationHave mercy on me LoadHear my cry of desperationHave mercy on me LoadHear my cry of desperationI hear the LordI hear the LordI hear the Load passing by