歌曲:回首 歌手:圣天飞歌

词曲唱:佳偶编曲:曹龙一录音师:费华为回首一生 匆匆而忙忙Looking back everything of all my life, which is in a hurry and in rush岁月流逝 青丝变白发The passage of time has turned black hair into white 流淌多少 看顾和保守With how much care and protection迟暮之年 才得以明白 At the end of my life, can I finally understand一直帮助我的是你 我的主耶和华You have always been my help, You are my Lord一直帮助我的是你 我的主耶和华You have always been my help, You are my Lord感谢你使我老年回转Thank you for making me turn round in my old age感谢你使我力量复原 Thank you for making my strength recovered只要在有生之日认识你As long as I can know you in my life 都是莫大的恩福That is the greatest blessing在你爱里 不惋惜力气衰微In Your love, I don't regret my decline in strength 在你爱里 不思念青春年华In Your love, I don't miss my youth你应许我如鹰返老还童You have promised that my youth is renewed like the eagle's我亲爱的主耶和华My dear Lord Jesus我亲爱的主耶和华My dear Lord Jesus我亲爱的主耶和华My dear Lord Jesus圣天飞歌中国原创福音音乐工作室联系微信:jiaou333微信公众平台:圣天飞歌(可直接搜索)或添加:shengtianfeige_hymn 网站:www.singforlord.com邮箱:shengtianfeige@sina.com电话:010-64775702,15810600627QQ:2641155713